John Khor Tech, Food, Travel Blogger ✪ Financial Planner ✪ Real Estate Agent ✪ Businessman ✪ Speaker ✪ Tutor ✪

Maxis Motorola Xoom Malaysia 0

Maxis Motorola Xoom launch date in Malaysia CONFIRMED!!! This Thursday, April 28, 2011!!!

Yeah. Just read in about Motorola Xoom launch date.
They have received media invitation to Maxis Motorola Xoom launch on Thursday, April 28, 2011. How will Maxis bundle their data plans with Motorola Xoom as currently only WiFi model of Motorola Xoom is available still remains an interesting question. Don’t worry, in 2 more days, we will know about it. You have waited for so long already, right? Why don’t wait extra 2 more days? 😛

iPad 2 booking receipt Mac Studio Malaysia 10

You can pre-book your iPad 2 NOW!!!

Good news! You can now walk to Apple retail stores or Apple resellers to pre-book your iPad 2. There’s someone who had managed to pre-book iPad from Mac Studio at Low Yat Plaza. Here’s the picture.

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Picture of iPad 2 in Malaysia Apple Retail Store leaked!

A picture of Apple iPad 2 stocks in Tropicana City Mall was taken by someone who was there. The Apple staff there doesn’t want to comment further but this person who took this picture mentioned that selected Apple retail store will have special bundle purchase with screen protector or the Smart Cover on the launch day itself.

White iPhone 4 DiGi 1

White iPhone 4 kambing soon to Malaysia @ DiGi!!!

Even before Apple made it official, DiGi has opened Registration of Interest (ROI) for white iPhone 4. 🙂 DiGi, always the smarter choice. Even smarter than Apple, Maxis & Celcom to capture the iPhone & smartphone market in Malaysia.

White iPhone 4- @ DiGi ROI