iPad 2 launching in Singapore, South Korea and Hong Kong on April 22, 2011?

Yeah. I was looking in the Internet for the launching date of iPad 2 in Singapore when I found out that iPad 2 might be released in Singapore on April 25, 2011.

Previously, Apple has mentioned that iPad 2 will be launched in other international countries, which include Singapore, Hong Kong and Korea somewhere in April 2011 after the launching of iPad 2 in the first 25 countries.

I read from one source that claims that iPad 2 might be launched on April 22, 2011. This is consistent with the Apple’s launching pattern. I quote some information from the source:

…this date seems plausible because of the following reasons:

1. the iPad 2 was released in the US on a Friday, 11th March.

2. the iPad 2 was released in a further 25 countries on a Friday, 25th March.

3. due to speculated stock shortages in all countries where it is now available it makes sense for the iPad 2 to be available slightly later than the 2 weeks it took for it to reach the non-US countries.

This really makes sense. And I really hope that might be true! If it’s true for Singapore, then April 22, 2011 might also be the iPad 2 launching date for Hong Kong and Korea too. Hopefully, the additional countries that Apple mentioned will cover Malaysia, Taiwan, China and India too. 🙂

So, all Apple fanboys and fangirls, mark down this date and stay tuned with my blog to get the latest update on iPad 2.

What’s your say?


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14 Responses

  1. Tarun Dham says:

    Hey Buddy

    I am from India and I wanted to know if the 1st Gen iPads are scarce der too??? and as you said here 22nd April can you please tell me the source???

  2. johnkhor says:

    1st gen iPad in Malaysia is scarce already. And there’s a speculation that iPad 2 might be launch in Asian countries because Apple mentioned that there are additional countries that will have iPad 2 launch. I am hoping that Malaysia might be in the list and you have to pray that India might be in the list too.

  3. Tarun Dham says:

    @johnkhor:thankz for the info buddy. I am and was praying for India since iPad 1 went scarce, and why only India?? i will pray for Malaysia and other countries too. I called up Apple India today and they have been singing the same tune “we dont know when its releasing “CRAP!!!

    I know how full of tension this time is buddy but what can we do???

  4. johnkhor says:

    @tarun dham: thanks for visiting my blog. You motivates me to do better. Yeah, I’ll pray for India too. Haha, Apple staffs are not supposed to tell you anything about their product launches. It will affect their sales. We need to check the Internet for Apple product launches. Haha. Yeah, it’s getting nearer. One more week to go if the rumor is true.

  5. Tarun Dham says:

    @johnkhor: i wish what you said here will become a reality, hey i wanted to ask you something when was the 1 gen iPad launched der???

  6. Sam Yap says:

    Hi, i have quite a reliable source saying today might be the date Hong Kong , Spore and Malaysia too to launch the Ipad2. Believable?

  7. johnkhor says:

    @samyap: that’s not going to happen. i have checked Apple Store Malaysia and there’s no news about iPad 2 launch. I have also googled iPad 2 launch date for Singapore, Hong Kong and Korea. No news at all. Are you sure?

  8. Tarun Dham says:

    @JohnKhor: i agree wid u

  9. Powez says:

    Lets wait for 29th April … It might be a surprise for the Malaysians

  10. johnkhor says:

    Yeah. I really can’t wait… But I believe that Apple doesn’t wish to lose its market share to the grey market for too long.

  11. Tarun Dham says:

    @Powez: only Malaysians or Indians too ???

  12. johnkhor says:

    @tarun: i believe @powez is talking about Malaysia. I believe India might have the same launch date as Malaysia which is April 29, 2011 or maybe a week later, May 6, 2011.

  13. Tarun Dham says:

    @John:are you sure about da dates??

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